NPC Tokyo Joe’s Rocky Mountain Championships #
Date(s) - 11/11/2017
Special Guest Head Judge: NPC/IFBB Head Judge, Sandy Williamson. Sandy will hold a posing seminar Friday night. Details to be announced.
ENTRY LINK FOR Women’s Physique, Men’s Physique, Classic Physique, Bodybuilding
ENTRY LINK FOR Bikini, Figure, Fitness
General Information:
- Local Level NPC show open to NPC registered athletes. Must have an 2017 NPC Card. Cost: $125. Valid through 12/31/17. (Please purchase your NPC Card online from this link or you may purchase your NPC Card at Athlete CheckIn, as it usually takes 6-10 weeks to receive your card if you do the mail-in option)
- No video equipment or professional photography allowed in the auditorium, (no tripods, detachable lenses, etc.)
- Minimum competitor age: 16
- Contest Promoter: Jeff Taylor/MuscleQuest,
- NPC Sanction #14128
Division Information and Rules:
- Women’s Physique
- Figure
- Bikini
- Fitness
- Men’s Bodybuilding
- NEW: Men’s Classic Physique
- Men’s Physique
Novice Rules: NEW! Eligible to compete in novice division if never having won a Novice or Open Class in an NPC show, (Novice okay to enter if won First Time Ever Novice/True Novice). True Novice is the name of the division for First Time Ever competitors.
Masters Rules: Must have reached the age of the class entered by the date of the show. Must show proof of age.
Routines for BB/WP/MCP: No gymnastics or flips allowed.
Music for BB/WP/MCP: Posing Music for Bodybuilding/Women’s Physique/Men’s Classic Physique Routines: Contestants will use their own music WITH NO VULGARITY for finals. It must be prerecorded on a quality CD; a CD-R with only the 60 second posing song on the CD. CD must be brought to Check-In.
Suits: Bikini competitors must wear their suit bottoms to Check-In for approval. Figure competitors must bring suit(s) to Check-In for approval. Bodybuilders & Women’s Physique competitors must weigh in wearing posing suit, no exceptions.
Awards: Placing’s 1st-5th receive Niels Andersen sculpture award. Team Trophy will be awarded to the highest scoring team, ($40 entry fee. Complete list of team member names, classes entered, and team name must be handed to promoter at CheckIn.) Overall champion of each Open division will receive overall award.
Entry Fees: $100 per class if paid online by Nov. 1, 2017. Late Entry Fee of $140/class after Nov. 1, 2017. Go to Online Entry link to Enter and Pay. Entries will be accepted at the Friday, Nov. 10th CheckIn with an additional $50 WalkUp Fee. Save money and enter online by midnight, Nov. 9th! NOTE: NO REFUNDS. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Backstage Passes for Trainers: Limited number of passes for $100. Must be an NPC member, (Purchase NPC Card here). Please be advised: A Backstage Pass does not allow trainers to impede flow of the event backstage. Trainers must cooperate with event expeditors or Backstage Pass will be revoked.
Makeup and Tanning: (Note that these official show sponsors are the only tanners and makeup artists allowed on site to ensure athletes highest levels of convenience and quality)
- Official Show Spray Tanning Services: Contact Christine Vaillancourt, ELITE TANNING, at 719.659.0857.
- Official Show MakeUp/Hair Services: Flawless Hair & Makeup, CLICK HERE FOR DIRECT BOOKING LINK, Website:
Specific Information:
- Show date is Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017
- NPC sanction #14128
- CheckIn at Host Hotel Friday, Nov. 10, 3-8pm
- Prejudging Meeting Saturday, Nov. 11, 7:15am, Metals Hall just off of lobby
- Prejudging start time: 8:00am
Host Hotel:
Denver Marriott West, 1717 Denver West Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401 Special rate-reserve by March 15, 2015. To get our special rate of $104/night, ask for “NPC Rocky Mtn Champs” Click Here for direct link to reserve.
Green Center Bunker Auditorium, Colo. School of Mines, 924 16th St., Golden, CO 80401